Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Well hello 2014!!  I felt like I blogged so consecutively trying to make sure we got all of Christmas into the 2013 blog book which is already sitting here at my house with all the other years that I must of been worn out.  As always things have slowed down a little bit now that the holidays are over with. That is always a welcome change.  I will be sure to do a little update on just the day to day stuff we have been up to and a total photo dump.  BUT today has to be dedicated to one thing.

Today is Elting Caroline's birthday.  She is three years old.  And oh my goodness the amount of cliches that want to come out of my mouth and fingers right now.  She's growing up too fast.  I could not love anything more. She is the light of my life. (along with her daddy.)

But know this Elle, if you are reading this many many years later.  My love for you is limitless and unconditional.  Even on the hardest days I have with you I thank God for giving you to me. You make me laugh, cry, worry and pray daily.  You are smart and witty.  You are kind and sweet.  You can be a little bossy and hard headed but honestly what three year old isn't. I adore you forever and ever.

This Saturday we celebrated Elle's birthday.  Kenny will always miss her birthday because Elle made a surprise arrival while Kenny was at furniture market.  So we just told her Saturday was her birthday.  She and I will do fun things together today.  My mom and my sister came into town early that morning and we all spent the day together.  Kenny's parents plan to celebrate her birthday in a few weeks.  

We tried to pack in lots of Elle's favorite things and make sure she knew she was loved.  We went to donuts, went to a movie, opened presents where she got every Frozen toy on the market right now because she is absolutely obsessed. We ended the day at hibachi (a new fave) and birthday cake.  It was a wonderful day.  And here are lots of pictures!!

 Starting the birthday morning off right at one of Elle's most favorite places.  Shipleys!!!
 Kenny put together her Frozen castle the night before and studied the box extra well so he could set it up perfectly to surprise Elle.  If that doesn't bring a tear to your eye.
Checking out the awesome castle.
She loves it!
Nannee gave her a trunk with Frozen dress up clothes.
She loved that too.  She is so into dress up right now.
 Cheesing at Hibachi.
Watching the chef. Taking it all in.

 Blowing out her candles.  I had it decorated blue with snowflakes because anything with snowflakes is Frozen of course. I am telling you.  She is obsessed.
 Still trying.  It took her a few times.
My favorite pic.
And one last present form CeCe before the night was over and it was time for bed. A mexican food pretend food.  Per my request because chips and cheese dip is my most favorite thing in the entire world and I am going to need her to think the same.

On Sunday we spent the day as a family before Kenny had to leave.  That afternoon after Elle had her bath we all sat down and watched a movie and enjoyed more birthday cake.  It was a great way to end the birthday weekend. 

Happy Birthday Elle! We love you so incredibly much!!