Monday, July 20, 2009


Kenny and I had another wonderful weekend of not having any official plans but managed to accomplish a lot and relax. Friday night I came home and fixed myself a mojito and finished reading Jodi Piccoult's book The Pact.
This book was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. I loved it. It is by far my favorite book that she has written. I cried a few times while reading it. So once I read the last few pages because I could not put it down. Kenny and I cooked a pizza for supper and watched the movie, Knowing with Nicholas Cage. It was okay. Kind of different. But okay.

Saturday morning I ran a ton of errands while Kenny watched the British Open and worked a little. I went and got my first ever spray tan which I found to be so stressful. There were so many instructions and that big machine was kind of frightening. Not to mention I was freezing. But overall I am pleased with the results and I am going again on Wednesday for my cousin's wedding this weekend. I am so excited because I FINALLY found a dress for the rehearsal dinner that I am going to this weekend. I had been searching and searching so I am so happy I do not have to worry about it anymore.

Saturday night Kenny and I went to Mexican that was delicious and then met up with Christin to celebrate her fiance J.R.'s birthday at a bar. We had a great time hanging out with everyone and went home at a decent time. I was sleepy.

Sunday, Kenny and I watched the last day of the British open (so sad Watson did not win) and then went kayaking around Mud Island. This time we pulled over and went and walked around Mud Island River Park and the amphitheatre. It was a lot of fun. Sunday night has turned into our favorite night for television because of Big Brother, True Blood, Hung and Entourage. So we like to relax and watch our shows.

So happy this will be a short week for me work wise. Yea!

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