Friday, November 12, 2010


Ashley over at Life As I Know It has given me a blog award!! So I am going to play along on this lovely Friday morning!
Here are the rules ...

1. Thank and link back to who gave you the award.

2. Share 7 things about yourself per award.

So here are my seven things!

1. My name is Mallory Lacey and I am a list making addict. Not exaggerating right now. I have four handwritten lists sitting right next to me. This does not include the lists that I keep on my computer that I fiddle with and update on a daily basis. I love lists. Lists take all my little anxious thoughts in my head and put them out so that I can see them and it calms me and organizes me and I feel like I have a handle on things. I realize that my lists are totally a coping mechanism but so what. I don't think I will ever kick the habit!

2. I think I have said this before but the thing that terrifies me the most in life is a big ol cockroach. I am talking those big flying suckers that are huge. I cry, I shake, I hyperventilate, I call everyone I know to come kill it. I F-R-E-A-K out! Days after seeing one I will still be jumpy and shaking shower curtains and towels or anything else that could house on of those horrid creatures. Seriously, if I am a Russian Spy and you need info from me get a cockroach near me and I will tell you everything I know. (I know this was a random comment but I watched a story about the Russian spies this morning on the news and they intrigue me so)

3. I watch A LOT of television. I mean a lot! And some of it DOES NOT make me a smarter person, nor do I tell people some of the shows I watch because they are so trashy. And yes, I have a life. I just really adore my DVR.

4. Give me a french fry or a chip or a Cheez-It any day over something sweet.

5. I love pop music and pop country and then people like Celine Dion and Josh Groban. This is the total opposite of my husband who puts up with my music tastes but is passionate about jam bands and southern rock.

6. I love cooking and have a strong obsession with all things food. I love looking at people's grocery carts to see what they are buying or what people are eating at work or at restaurants. One of my dream's in life is that my children will always think that I am/was a great cook and I instill the love of cooking them also.

7. My ultimate dream in life would be to be a cheesemonger and own a cheese and wine shop.

Please feel free to do this if you want to chime in on seven little things about yourself!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Thanks for playing along!! We have a lot in common! I love lists, I love chips/salty snacks over sweets, I watch too much tv too. I like the same music as well!