Thursday, April 14, 2011


Last night I was getting Elle ready for bath time/bedtime and I layed her in her crib so I could run her bathwater. I turned on her mobile which she is OBSESSED with and hit one of the buttons so it would play music.

The mobile was playing Jesu, Joy of Man's Desire by Bach. This song reminds me of wedding processionals.

I came back to get her and she was so happy looking up with her big blue eyes, cooing, kicking and smiling and that song was playing and I started thinking about her wedding. Crazy right? That one day I would be sitting in a front row of HER wedding and this song would be playing and I would be watching the bridesmaids come down the aisle and then my little girl in her wedding gown...

And I started to cry. I knew that this was one of those moments that I would remember. That little mobile managed to connect the here and now to the future.

I was still crying when Kenny got home a few minutes later.

We were both in agreement that I am still a bit hormonal.

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