Friday, November 4, 2016


On Sunday we had a busy day.  Elle had a swim birthday party at MSU's Sanderson Center for a littler girl in her class.  Then we left the party a little early and got dressed in her princess costume in the parking lot before going to get Kenny and Walker at the house.
Elle and Mary Kenway freezing outside!

Elle Collier and Mary Kenway.  They are all in the same class and so sweet!

So we grabbed Kenny and Walker at home and headed out to Robisnon Lake for First Pres Fall Festival.  Our kids were so incredibly tired! Walker wouldn't let us put him down most of the time and Elle was struggling a little bit.  But there were so many things to do for the kids and it was a pretty evening.  Walker perked up a little after dinner and we all managed to leave without any fits and tantrums so I would consider the night a complete success.
Collier and Ann Carlton ran out to greet Elle at the car when we arrived.

We changed Walker's costume so he wouldn't be so hot and since he would not wear the head part anyway.  I pieced together a little farmer outfit from his closet and our dress up bin.  I thought I did pretty well and he looked adorable!
My little farmer.
Look how sullen Walker was in this picture.
Elle got hter face painted.  The woman who did it painted flowers to match her headband.
Painting a pumpkin.
We tried to get Walker to get down and take a picture with his friend 
Grace but he was not having it.  So this is what we were able to get. 
Elle and Addison getting ready for the costume parade contest.
Elle wouldn't cooperate with a family photo. Stinker! So we had 
Margaret take this picture where we photobombed her. Do what you have to do!
Time to eat and Walker insisted on eating his cupcake first before his dinner.  
Like I said we were on thin ice so we let him and then luckily he ate his dinner after that!
Sweet girl enjoying hotdogs and chili!
Getting ready to go on a hayride!
Right before we left the kids trunk or treated and Walker refused to let go of his candy bucket.
Walker passed out almost immediately when we got home.

So we have finally made it to Monday.  The actual day of Halloween. I was happy to be able to go to Elle's class party for a little bit. 
Party selfie with my girl!
The kids were loving these vampire teeth they got in a goody bag.
Doing their best Frankenstein impression.

I brought Elle home with me early after her class party so she could unwind before we went Trick or Treating in our neighborhood.  Our neighborhood gets pretty crazy with Trick or Treaters so we invited Jay and Margaret over to hand out candy at our house and I made chili for us to have for dinner.  It was exceptionally warm and we set out early so we could have a little sunlight!
I love this picture and these sweet kids in front of our house.
Walker was pretty cranky so we went to Craig and Ava's house to see them first.  They were excited to see them and had picked out some candy apples just for them as a special treat.  We are so lucky to have them love on our children like they are their own.
Sweet picture with Mr. Craig!
Kenny picked up Foley and the girls on the cart so they 
could trick or treat at a couple houses with us.

Went to the Rackleys to trick or treat and they were headed out.  They were the cutest bat family!
By this point Walker was a mess. We decided to take him home 
and he was much happier sitting on the front porch with Jay and Margaret and handing out candy.
Daddy and his princess.
Running into friends!
This little boy is such a sweet eater! Had to have some smarties before he went to bed.

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