Friday, December 30, 2016


We had a really great couple of days before Christmas Eve and a surprisingly relaxing Christmas Eve too.  The day before Christmas Eve we spent the morning at home and I cooked a big breakfast. Then Kenny and Walker headed out to run some errands together and Elle and I got to making some of our favorite Christmas treats that we planned to give to our family and friends.
One night our good friends and neighbors stopped by to drop off a 
Christmas present for our family and then a gift for Elle. Cate is a sweet friend of Elle's 
and brought her a picture of her and her friends from a birthday party.

The treats that we like to make are super simple and because of them being simple and delicious, it is easy to get Elle's help.  You simply place square pretzels down on a pan and place a rolo on each one. Then you stick in the oven until the roles are soft and melty and while they are soft you press a whole pecan half on each one! 
Laying down the square pretzels. Weeding out the broken pretzels.
Elle also colored a bunch of ornaments to give to her friends at each stop.
While we were making batches, Elle had some fun with Lena. Sweet Lena is so patient with the kids.
She even got a bow.
The finished product ready to go in the fridge to cool.
Packaged up in our treat bags.
Elle got dressed up as an elf to make the deliveries.
And we are off!

Christmas Eve I cooked another big breakfast and we spent time together playing outside and watching Christmas movies. Elle changed into her Princess Elena dress at some point and I was unable to convince her to change into anything else until it was time to go to church. 
Eating some lunch and watching a Christmas movie I am sure.
Walker got stripped down at some point as he usually does and 
was getting ready to go down for a nap.  I love  his get up.

Once Walker was down for his nap I got everything set up the traditional decorating Santa cookies like we do every year. We would of loved for Walker to join us for cookie decorating but made the decision to not let him because he is sugar obsessed and would of eaten waaaaay to much and it would of ended in a big fit.  So he took a good nap in preparation for Christmas Eve church and we got to decorating.
The decoration set up.
Cookie trays for everyone to decorate.
Happy to get started.
Daddy and Elle. Kenny is always super serious about his cookie decorating.
Kenny proud of his manger cookie.
Parent selfie.
Selfie with my girl.  She has a green mouth from licking the icing.
Hard at work.
Some of our finished products.

When Walker woke up from his nap it was time to get dressed for church. We went to the early Children's Service that is shorter and more geared towards kids.  We also chose to not put Walker in the nursery and manage having him with us.  I hate to take him to the nursery on Christmas Eve. Wanted him with us.  It was a little touch and go for a while but he actually quieted down during the sermon.  And anytime the pastor would say Jesus, Walker would yell Jesus.  It was pretty cute. At least to us.
All dressed for Christmas Eve Service.
Elle all dressed in her pretty Christmas dress and majorly pumped for Santa to come.
Daddy and Walker walking into church.
Managed to get a decent family picture on our way in.
Elle with her sweet friend Collier.

When we arrived home I had prepared a traditional Christmas Eve dinner that was keeping warm in the oven.  We had baked ham, mashed potatoes and bacon wrapped green beans.  I was proud of myself and felt so grown up for making a ham all on my own.  It was all really good!

The vultures couldn't stay away from the ham while I was getting everything to the table.

After dinner it was time to get ready for bed.  Walker and Ell were excited to put on their matching PJs and spend some quality time with Charlie the elf before he went back to the North Pole. They are always able to give him some snuggles each year.  
Elle loving on Charlie.
Brother and sister love with Charlie.
Obligatory pictures in front of the tree in Christmas pajamas.

Headed up to bed. 
Reading the night before Christmas.
I got some love too.

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