Thursday, December 15, 2016


Amidst all of our sickness we have been trying to enjoy the Christmas season as much as we can. Walker gets out of school soon and Elle stays in a little longer. I know those days will be long but the break will go by quickly.  Here are some pictures from the last couple weeks!

Elle missed a day of school last week.  So Walker and I missed bible study that day and Elle begged to go to the library to check out some new books.  They happened to be having story time at that time too so we sat down for that.  Around the librarian's third book Elle started looking a little pale and saying she felt bad.  I definitely did not want her getting sick at the library but she was intent on checking out some books so we grabbed 5 books as opposed to our normal 15 and got out of there quick! Once we got home she spent the day back on the sofa for the most part.
Sweet brother and sister walking out of the library.  
He would prefer to hold her hand most of the time.

The next day Elle felt better so she went to school and then that evening we picked up Margaret and went to the Christmas program at First Presbyterian.  Elle knew lots of the kids in it! She was particularly excited to see her friend Collier who was an angel. 
The program was so sweet and we were glad we went!
Elle and Collier
Elle holding her candle during the candle lighting

The next day, Kenny and I bought Disney on Ice tickets for our family.  We had not told Elle because we weren't sure if she was going to feel well enough to go or if she should miss a day of school.  The morning of she seemed okay so we decided to go.  The show was in Tupelo so we left early that morning. When we got there (accidentally way to early because we didn't look at the tickets before we left) Elle was complaining of a headache but she had been saying that a lot. Of course Kenny being the sweet Dad that he is let them each pick a souvenir from the crazy toy stand with the crazy prices! Elle chose a Belle doll that she loved and Walker chose a smaller Mickey that he kept calling George.  Eventually the show started and we all really enjoyed it.  I wasn't sure how Walker would do but he was completely enamored. Sat on Kenny's lap the entire first set and literally did not move.  He loved it! During the intermission Kenny and Elle went to get some dip and dots and Walker and I watched the ice machine come out.  He loved that too.  The second half of the show Elle went down hill which was such a shame because it was primarily Frozen which she loves and had not seen in the other ice shows. She kept saying her head hurt and she also spiked a fever.  So she sat in my lap and cried through most of it. It was pretty sad.  She did manage to take it all in because she has talked about it a lot since then but I hate she felt so bad.  Walker loved the second set too but didn't sit as still. We ended up leaving during the last song because Elle wanted to.  We drove straight to a CVS to get her some Tylenol to get her fever down and she passed out int he car.  Another sign she was definitely feeling bad!
Daddy and the kids after they picked out their souvenirs.
Elle loving on her Belle doll.
Waiting for the show to start.
Our best attempt at a family selfie.
Me and my sweet sickly girl.

Enamored by the ice skaters!
Looking back at this picture and I can tell she doesn't feel good in this one.
Me and my crazy boy!
The ice machine. Pretty exciting stuff!
My poor  baby!

That night I had a girls dinner planned with a few of my close girlfriends and we also had been invited to a party at our friends the Holditches. So Kenny rode to the party with Margaret and Jay and I made plans to meet him there after my dinner. It was a fun night. Dinner was fun drinking festive drinks and then we had a good time at the party too!
Some of the girls at the party!
Our Napa group stayed a little longer and shut the place down.  I regretted that int he morning!

The next morning I dropped the kids off to school and hit the road for Hattiesburg to spend some time with my mom and do some shopping. I also went out of town so Kenny and Elle could continue their Christmas tradition of having a slumber party where they eat pizza and dessert in bed and watch the Home Alone movies.  They are so cute and Elle looks forward to this! I made bets with them that they would fall asleep before getting to the second Home Alone movie and I was right! They made it to the end of the first one!
Elle and Daddy eating pizza in bed!

Kenny took the kids to the Country Club for breakfast that morning and caught this sweet moment.  They really do adore each other.
Just had to include this picture because Walker is so silly.

Yesterday, my friend Jennifer (her daughter is Mary Kenway) picked up some girls and took them home to bake and decorate cookies! They had the best time and Elle was so excited to bring her cookies home. Jen said at one point they all got quiet decorating their cookies and then suddenly just burst out into song. Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. 
 Int he car on the way home!
 Rolling out their dough.
 Concentrating on decorating.

This morning we got home from dropping Elle off at school and as soon as we got home he was begging to go outside. So I bundled him up really well because it is so cold today but he is so happy when he is outside! He looked so funny and was cracking me up!

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