Monday, October 16, 2017


Kenny is on his way home from High Point Market as we speak and this market turned out to be a doozy! Walker is about to be 3 and I am feeling every moment of it! He is exerting his will and opinion a whole lot making this market a whole new ball game with Kenny gone. Plus Elle's social calendar is no joke. We were very busy and I am tired! It was a whirl wind for sure. I am not really sure the rest of October is going to slow down one single bit. It may get even crazier.  But we will make it through!

The weekdays always go by really quickly but the weekends can be hard because the days can be long. So I got really brave and took the kids to the football game all by myself!  The game was at 11 so our tailgate didn't even go up so we just went to campus and walked into the game. It also worked out really great because Missy and Jack had extra seats so Elle was super happy to sit with two of her good friends Audrey and Ella and I had extra hands to help with Walker.  It was a really pretty day but pretty hot. And the bulldogs played okay against BYU. We won but that doesn't really mean much. We did have a whole lot of fun at the game and we stayed for every minute of it because we didn't have anywhere else to be! After the game was over we made our way back to the car and came home to rest and hang out. 

Sunday morning we went to Sunday school and church service and then went to eat at the country club for lunch. That afternoon we watched Halloween movies and Elle and I had a little mini pseudo sleepover in Daddy fashion where we watched America's Funniest Videos while we cuddled!  While it wasn't the easiest market and I am so happy Kenny gets home today we are always so thankful for Kenny and working so hard. I know it is so hard for him to be out of town because he misses us like crazy! I am going to include some pictures I sent him over the week too! 
Elle got her eyes checked at school last week and they made these fun glasses while they each took their turn. She has perfect vision but the glasses look pretty cute on her!
Last Friday was a dress down day and Elle wanted to wear jeans and not just a SA t-shirt. I wasn't ready but she did look pretty cute. So big!

Walker was decked out for Maroon Friday.
Sometimes I get to the preschool early enough to spy on Walker while he plays outside and last Friday he and his friend Jack were both wearing their Bulldog outfits and riding these tractors and it was the cutest thing! I had to get their picture! Sweet boys!
Elle, Mary Kenway and Piper
Elle had a friend's birthday party after school on Friday and I had friends take her and bring her home because I knew taking Walker into the movie theatre and then leaving without seeing an actual movie was just asking for a disaster. Elle had a great time riding with friends and at the party where she got to see My Little Pony for a second time!

All the girls waiting for the movie to start!
Walking into the game. It took us a long time to get to our seats but we made it with plenty of time to go to the potty and get our first snacks of the game before the game started.
Me and my silly boy with his tongue out.
Ringing his cowbell for the Bulldogs!
Lunch time and time for some hot dogs!
We got out the coloring books to get through some of the second half.
Pretty girl looking for Bully.
I love going places with Missy because she has the new iPhone and the camera on it and it is so amazing and she always gets the best pictures of the kids!
Elle and mommy!
Ella, Elle and Audrey

All ready for church. Missing Daddy!
Enjoying the best cinnamon rolls after Sunday school.

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