Monday, November 5, 2018


This weekend was homecoming at Mississippi State. We chose to have a very low key tailgate by ordering Jimmy Johns and bringing lots of chips and cookies from the store. We hung at hope that morning and just got things done around the house. We went to the tailgate around 2 and the weather was nice so the kids played and there were some good football games on tv.  Just a very laid back day. Elle asked her friend Mary Kenway to sit with us at the game and we went in right at kick off. We were playing LA Tech and took an early lead so once we watched the Homecoming Court come out we just left the game and went back to the tailgate to gather our things and go home. Thankfully not too late of a night. Mississippi State won big. 45-3.

Family picture right when we got to the tailgate. Always try and get it out of the way.
Elle always loves getting some Bailey snuggles.
And I got some sweet Walker cuddles. 

Watching the band come by.
Headed into the game sporting their noise headsets.

Walker and Kenny ended up moving one row down since we had Mary Kenway with us. 
They were having a big time!

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