Monday, October 1, 2018


This weekend was the long awaited MSU versus Florida game. Ever since Dan Mullen announced that he was leaving Mississippi State, Starkville has been counting down this game. Until this game the crowds haven't been all that crazy but this weekend was really insane. Once we hit Friday I pretty much hit at home all day. I had not been feeling well all week and had chalked it up to a weather front coming through and then also my girls weekend last week but I did swing by the doctor to get a shot. But I have been really tired lately and asked them to check me for mono since it is going around Elle's class. It came back positive. So Friday I was in and out of bed trying to rest up so that I could make the tailgate and game on Saturday.

Saturday morning Kenny took the kids to the country club for breakfast and then our friend Daniel came in town. I got all the food ready for the tailgate and we headed out there around noon. Thank goodness the weather had cooled down a little bit. We will take everything we can get.The time went by super fast and soon enough it was time to go into the game. Our friends the Martin's had come by the tailgate and Collier and Elle and Mary Kenway had played all day and ended up leaving last minute before we went to the game to spend the night at Collier's. Elle loves her friend time and will always choose a friend over anything. They had a great time and don't think they got much sleep. She went to church with them and came home ate some lunch and promptly went to sleep on the couch which is really unusual for her. 

Kenny and I took Walker in the game with us and Daniel sat with us and we had a great time cheering with hi for Bulldogs. Unfortunately the Bulldogs did not play well at all and we ultimately lost the game which was super disappointing. Honestly though I enjoy the time with Walker and Kenny and Elle when she is with us too that I am not overly concerned with how the Bulldogs are doing. I appreciate the memories made. We stayed until the game was over and made our way back to the tailgate. I was completely beat. So we walked back to the car where we ended up stuck in game traffic and having to drive around the whole town and take a back road to get home. It took us an hour and a half to get home. 

On Sunday we all completely vegged out. I was in and out of bed and I think Walker watched movies and cartoons all day. Kenny watched football. Elle napped. It was a much needed recovery day.

Here are a few pictures from the weekend.
Elle got braces on Thursday and all the girls saw her for the first time at dance that afternoon. 
Kenny went to quarterback club and the kids played in his office after their shower. 
I thought they looked so cute.

Left some toys behind for Daddy.
Took this sweet picture of Walker playing with his power rangers.
Elle and Collier at the tailgate.
A rare selfie picture of Kenny and me.
We found Patrick wondering around and were totally 
surprised because we didn't know he was coming.
Sweet friends played all day and then went for a spend the night.

Daddy and Walker walking into the game.
Ringing our cowbells.

The kids were walking back from the game and our friends picked them up on their golf cart and then it died. They had quite the adventure pushing it back to the Kemp's house.

Snuggled in watching a movie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are so cute