Tuesday, March 13, 2012


The other day as I was digging around in my purse for the millionth time, I thought wow things sure have changed. Look at all this stuff I am lugging around in my purse. And most of it is not even for me. I know it is my fault because I have grown sick and tired of carrying a purse and carrying a diaper bag so I just throw the bare essentials in my purse.So far Elle and I have not had a huge crisis where I needed more than the bare essentials.

So let's take a peek:
My lovely purse. And the bow color for the day. Elle will only wear one for so long so its always clipped on my sleeve, my purse, my collar. Losing a hair bow is a travesty.
This is all pretty self explanatory. The only thing I can't believe is missing is a pacifier. I try to ALWAYS have one in my purse as back up. She is not a huge paci girl but if a tantrum was thrown I would pull that sucker out in a second. Notice we have more bows. Plus I have some on top of our microwave, in my car console, in the diaper bag. You get the point. Bows, bows everywhere. And last but not least, I HAVE to find my book of lists. I feel lost without that thing. It is basically my brain on paper. One time I forgot it at home when I went out of town and I had Kenny take pictures of the pages and text them to me. Sad.
Oh my gosh the cheerios! They are everywhere. Kenny, the saint he is, just took my car to vacuum out all the cheerios and goldfish crumbs in my car. I seriously never thought I would be that mom.Okay how sad is this? All of this is what was just stuck in my wallet. Not put in a proper place but just stuck in there with edges sticking out and jumbled together. Thankfully I organized it after I took this picture and I feel way better now. And don't picture me rollin just yet. I don't run around with a ton of cash. I had just been to the grocery store and that was our grocery money.

Alrighty, we hope you enjoyed being nosy and taking a looksy into my purse.

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