Friday, November 9, 2012


So with Elle starting Parent's Day Out this August so began the huge amount of art projects coming home day after day.  Most of them are so cute.  They have used her little fingers and hands to make all sorts of creative things.  Or she has painted something pink that the teachers transform into the cutest little pig face you have ever seen.

Side note: How these amazing teachers get twelve 2 year olds to sit down and do ANYTHING all at once is a crazy undertaking to me.  Elle loves the time she spends there and I owe it all to the teachers.

Any who, so all these art projects.  I get so torn about what to do with them.  I am not a keeper of things.  I tend to not be very sentimental about "stuff" at all. (I blame it on the fact that my grandma is a true life hoarder.  Like the kind you see on TV.  No exaggeration.)  I   want to keep all of these art projects but then I start to think that if I keep these things now my house will just be inundated with this stuff and will she really even care about looking back at it all when she gets older.  To be honest I have no interest in looking back at my preschool masterpieces now that I am a adult.

Enter Artkive!!! God I love this app!!

Basically, take a picture of the artwork and the app archives it into a folder for you.  You can have multiple children, multiple ages for each child add notes and also a share circle so I when I take a picture of Elle's art I can send it to Kenny if it is really cute.  Yall. I'm serious.  This app is awesome and FREE!!! It is so easy to use and eliminates the guilt I get when I throw some of these cute pieces away.

I plan to take pictures throughout each year and then make them into a book.  Genius I tell you!!


Delta Daisies said...

that is a neat idea!

Ashley said...

omg this is amazing we have been trying to figure out what we are going to do with all the artwork!!

Lauren@ Not Your Average Southern Belle said...

That's an awesome idea! We are having our first baby this spring and I know in a couple years it will be construction paper city at our house. I'm not sentimental about stuff at ALL (I call it being an editor, my husband calls it compulsively throwing everything away) so I'm excited to know about this :)