Thursday, December 22, 2016


Sunday morning in Memphis! When we woke up the cold front had come through. On Saturday the temperature was 80 degrees and overnight it dropped to 25! It was so incredibly cold! We went for a coffee run and then we all got dressed and headed out for some brunch to celebrate Annie's birthday one last time.  Annie recommended this place called Staks that opened recently and I am still thinking about it.  It was so good.  They have a fabulous espresso bar, mimosas and many kinds of delicious pancakes! I am dying to go back! We often joke that breakfast is the only meal we enjoy taking our kids out for in this stage of life.  And this morning was no different. They loved the restaurant and theywere very enjoyable that morning!
Pictures in front of Annie's tree before heading out to breakfast.
CeCe, Elle and Nanee waiting on breakfast to arrive.
I would do anything to have this cup of coffee eery morning. 
It was the cafe brûlée and it was so incredibly good.
Walker waiting on the food and being sweet as pie!
Going in for the milk!
Elle and CeCe
Pancake and sausage on a stick! Both my kids were loving it!

Walker loved CeCe's french toast more!

After our delicious breakfast we ran back to Annie's house to load up the car and then we drove over to the Pink Palace for one of our most favorite Christmas traditions, Enchanted Forest.We have come to Enchanted Forest since Elle was 1 or 2.  There isn't a whole lot to it but that is what we like about it and they have a fantastic Santa and a photographer who takes wonderful pictures. Not to mention that it is inside so you don't freeze to death! Elle had asked if we could go all weekend and when we got back in the car to head home we were so happy we came as a family because the kids really enjoyed themselves and more fun memories were made!
We always stop right here and take a picture with a snowman 
but the snowman wasn't there this year. So we took the picture anyway!
Elle aways loves this little squirrel cave.
Walker loved loved the mechanical animals!

Walker pointing and getting excited about something he was seeing.

I tried to take a picture of Kenny and Elle and Walker insisted on being in the picture too.
Walker's favorite display was this polar bear fishing. We made several visits to see him.

Walker and Nanee checking out the trains. The trains were a hit for everyone!
Waiting to see Santa!

Walker and Nanee watching kids talk to Santa.
Elle chose this tree as her favorite tree this year.
Family pic as we were getting ready to leave.  Elle was crying because she was going to miss Annie.
Our picture with Santa this year.  Walker would of sat on Santa's lap 
but we thought the rocking chair option was really cute and different and he 
was happy to go for a ride! Santa asked Elle what she wanted for Christmas and 
she told him she had already given him a letter. 

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