Monday, December 26, 2016


aWalker was out of school all week during this week leading up to Christmas but Elle went all the way to Thursday.  Although I am not sure how much learning was happening.  For the most part they were finishing up Christmas crafts and celebrating in different ways.  It was still a great week and Elle looks so forward to all the fun things they do!  

As I mentioned Elle's teachers is pregnant and was due at the very beginning of January but on Thursday, the last day before Christmas break and the day of the official Christmas party all the kids got a big surprise! Mrs. Wendy was in labor and was having her baby that day! They were all so excited and we have since cooed over the precious pictures she has posted on Facebook! The Christmas party was still lots of fun and they all drew numbers and exchanged gifts! Elle also brought home a huge bag of Christmas happies for us.  I scored a few new ornaments for the tree and also the sweetest calendar that has her handprint on each months!

One of the majorly fun days that I think Elle looks to the most is the Polar Express Day.  They get to wear pajamas to school.  Upon arrival to the school the headmaster is dressed up like a train conductor and is standing at the door of their building and gives them a ticket.  Then they have hot chocolate and cookies and all lay down and watch the Polar Express together.  Super cute and fun! I love seeing all the kids in their pajamas.  Reminds me of how little they still are!

Elle's whole class decked out in their pajamas.
The boys!
The girls!
Elle next to the class Christmas tree.

Elle's teacher did a fun Christmas unit about the gingerbread and he came to visit the class and then ran away and then she asked for the families to ask family members to write letters from all the different places they lived.  I see Nannee and Gramma's letter on the board!
Gramma's is bottom corner and Annies is in the red.

Walker curled up with Elle one night watching something Christmas related I am sure.  
If I had to bet I would guess the Grinch because it has been on repeat!
Mrs. Kim helped with the class on Thursday since 
Mrs. Wendy was in labor and this was her telling them that Mrs. Wendy was having the baby!
Selfie with my girl.
Elle enjoying her party fare.
Holding up one her Christmas crafts and one of my personal favorites.
Opening her gift.  It was from Mary Kenway.
Collier got the present we brought.
Elle and Mary Kenway.
Elle got a water bottle you could decorate and all the little girls helped!
Elle's Christmas list and a drawing of a reindeer.
Love this sweet J and candy cane.

Some ornaments.
My new handprint calendar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elle stands out in group pictures
Always easy to spot she just shines!
And is couple post back it wouldn’t print with her and her friend on the sofa watching cartoons! From the placement of the little girls hand sand the adorable smile and look on Elle’s face o think cartoons were the furthest thoughts from there beautiful little heads looks more like pleasure Elle’s little kitty and make it purrrr and from the look on Elle’s face it was purring loud