We had a fantastic weekend with the main event being our little family of three plus an Aunt Annie celebrating the absolute love of our lives birthday. Yes! She is one. And I will say it because I don't care if it is cliche. I cannot believe it. I am so sad. And it is not because time is flying by so quickly (but it is) and it is not because she is growing up so fast. (which she is) I think I feel sad because we will never be at this point of our life again. We will NEVER be new parents again. We will NEVER just have one newborn again. We will NEVER have a brand new experience every single day like we did this year. And that makes me sad.
Not too sad though. Because
Elting has brought us so much joy. I never really knew JOY until we had her. I knew happiness. I knew love. But this is so different and I am so grateful for every single hard second of it. If you are ever reading this
Elting. We love you so much!
Friday and Saturday we relaxed at home and watched movies. We watched Hangover II Friday night. It was the same movie like everyone has said but still funny. And Saturday we ran errands to pick up some small gifts for
Elting for her birthday and went out to lunch and some quick
Las Delicias for dinner.
Elting had her first chicken
quesadilla and I was so proud because she seemed to
lurve her some Mexican food just like her mommy.
Elting's birthday we decided to do a very low key affair this year. There was talk of the grandparents coming in town but we are going to see my mom very soon and so we decided to just let everyone stay home. We decided to take
Elting to the Memphis Zoo in her favorite thing ever. (if you have a baby get them the Push2Step car)

The weather was very humid and I am actually pumping this blog post out on Sunday night because we are about to have terrible storms. So just in case we lose our power I have this done. My hair did not cooperate to say the least but here is a picture of our little family on the day she turned 1.

Daddy and his very serious little girl. Ha!

Aunt Annie with her niece. So happy she came with us. Elting adores her. Sometimes even prefers her over me.

I love this picture. That is all.

Birthday presents for the birthday girl.

Birthday girl with her presents. We only got a few little things toy wise and then bought her some books. We love getting her books. We write in them to tell her what the occasion was and books are also what we buy for her as a souvenir if one of us goes somewhere. Annie was so nice to get her some neat beach things for our trip this summer. Elting has asked for some fun toys to play with in the sand.

She also asked for a cute hat to protect her little hairless head from the sun. She was a bit fussy from all the excitement. She wasn't loving it so much but she will come around.
Instead of a cake, we went with a girly pink cupcake. You should of heard the debate over whether to light the candle. We decided against it.
She really hasn't had a whole lot of sugar. A bite of a cookie or cupcake here or there. She enjoyed the cupcake. Did not come close to finishing it though. She like the cake way better the icing.
Happy Birthday my darling girl. Thank you for giving us the best year of our lives!