Friday, May 26, 2017


I am here writing to you on the first official day of summer vacation! Elle is out of school and we are headed to the library and the car wash shortly while Walker is at PDO and then we will be at the pool all afternoon. I mentioned earlier in the week that Elle went for half days most of the week. They had a class party day, a movie day and then the big field day. It was all lots of fun but we are all ready to sleep a little later and to not get dressed first thing in the morning if we don't want to!

Because of rain they had to switch field day to the last day of school so I went ahead and did Elle's end of the year picture on her class party day.  I love the comparison pictures from the first and last day of school but it also just breaks my heart at how much she has grown!
Ready for one of her last days of school!

I love this smile.
First and last day. I don't remember her having any baby left in her face
 when we started the year but it is all gone now.
Meet the teacher and kindergarten graduation comparison picture.
Class party day they also had a surprise birthday party for their assistant teacher Mrs. Kristi. 
They were so excited to surprise her and she loved the special attention!
I had to grab something at the Lodge one day and picked up this ball for Walker. He was thrilled!

So Thursday was the last day of school and the big Field Day. They got the absolute best weather. It rained all week but then it was like 70 degrees out and not a cloud in the sky!This was Elle's first year to be part of the real competition. They divide grades K-6th into two teams and then they compete! The competition is fierce and Elle had lots of fun. I did not volunteer to work the event but came at the end to see Elle and bring her home.  When I got there Mrs. Wendy told me that Elle had gotten her foot clipped by the big heavy door and she had a big gouge in her heel but that she was so brave and didn't even cry and was still a trooper for field day! Elle's team did not win field day but she wasn't too upset by it. After some sweet goodbyes with her teacher I took her with me and she wanted to get a Happy Meal at McDonalds so I took her by there before we headed home to relax and start the summer!
She wanted pigtails for field day!
Picture with my soon to be first grader!
Elle and some of her classmates. 
Elle, Afton, Reese, Audrey Caroline, Piper, Mary Kenway and Collier
Tug of War

My friend Missy was sending me the cutest pictures of Elle before I got there.

Emily, Elle and Mary Kenway
Collier, Elle and Audrey Caroline
Elle, Ella and Cate
6th Grade hula hoop tie breaker. Enjoying popsicles while they watched.
Mrs. Kristi giving Elle her goodbye hug.
Getting a hug from Mrs. Wendy.
She was really sad when we got in the car.

That afternoon I sat outside and read in the yard because the weather was so nice and Walker joined me. The weather was just so pretty!
Elle came out and had drawn this picture for Mrs. Wendy.
Walker got himself all situated too. He was cracking me up.
Went upstairs and got him a book too.

1 comment:

Krista Mullen said...

Hello mate great blog ppost