Wednesday, November 17, 2010


About a Royal Wedding!!!!!!

I can already tell I might start to obsess over this whole shebang. I have really liked Kate or Katherine as they are now calling her, since she started dating William 8-9 years ago. I mean really who hasn't. I liked how she did not seem to want the media attention and stayed true to herself.

I can only hope that her and William are truly in love. And I think they are. Unlike Princess Di and Charles. I want them to be together forever! Yes, I know I sound like a 6th grader right now.

Plus it is so intriguing to me to think about how her life is going to change. I mean she fell in love with this boy who happened to be a prince. But to marry him is a full time job and you are under such intense scrutiny. I mean look at it already, the last two days of morning news have been completely devoted to them and their engagement. Can you imagine being judged by the Queen on everything you do?? Yikes!

And while I am not to crazy about her sapphire engagement ring (it seems more of a right hand ring to me.) I do think it is really special that is was Diana's and William felt like she should have it.

Alright I am rambling. But I do plan on waking up at 3:00 am to watch this royal wedding like we always hear our moms say they did.


Elizabeth said...

I'll be right there with you!

Melissa said...

I'll be up early watching too! I can't wait to see everything!