Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I am in a very blah mood this past week. I guess maybe because things have calmed down a little bit. I don't know.

You know those mornings where you look in your closet and you think blah.....or in the mirror.....blah...

I get home from work and I don't feel like cooking anything, blah.

I have a hair appointment tomorrow which I am in desperate need of. Maybe that will help.

Sorry if this post is depressing. Reading back I think it is. Sorry. I am just very blah.

1 comment:

Charlie said...

What are your thoughts on Starbucks? When I'm feeling "blah" I go over to 'the buck' and get a lovely latte (try pumpkin spice for fall!) because if I'm feeling blah it should at the very least, taste good...right?
