Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Christmas morning pictures! Had to include this one because my sister is actually kissing me.  A very rare thing in our household!

We were feeling silly one night so I threw on my wedding dress 
and we had a photo shoot with the pups!

So today is Baby Bird's birthday, aka my little sister, aka Annie. She turns a whopping age of 23 today. She's old. Just kidding. I am older. She got an exciting birthday present when she found out that she had earned a 4.0 this semester after missing the first three weeks of school for emergency surger. She is smart! So in honor of my little sis's birthday I thought I would tell you a few funny stories about growing up with ole Annie b' Dannie.

-She had an extremely strong attachment to a little stuffed dog named "Puppy Dog" It went everywhere with her. One time on a trip home from somewhere she starts screaming hysterically because she can't find Puppy Dog. I mean really using those lungs and screaming at her absolute loudest. My parents pulled the car over and searched every bit of that car, including every pocket of every suitcase and under all the clothes. They came to the conclusion that Puppy Dog had been left behind. So she cried the entire trip home. It was hours. We get home and she is devastated and still has not stopped crying and my mom goes to pull her out of the car seat.....there was Puppy Dog. She had been sitting on him the entire time.

-During one of the first few weeks of Annie's freshman year at Mississippi State Annie came into our sorority lunch room (she pledged the same sorority as me) and sat down at the table that I was at. There were also a few other girls sitting there. I asked Annie how her test went and being the studious student she is, she burst into tears. School is really important to her. She did not think she had done well on the test. As she is telling me this I start to cry too. This is no surprise to anyone who knows my mom, my sister, and I. If one cries, we all cry. It does not matter how silly it is. So here I start to bawl at the lunch table and my sister is bawling and all the other girls have no idea why the heck we are crying. And we are not too sure ourselves. It is just a chain reaction. We still laugh about that. Those girls were so confused.

-Annie's freshman year and my senior year of high school, we had the joy of playing on the varsity soccer team together. However, it was not a joy. You see Annie and I had an extremely strong case of sibling rivalry up until the day I went off to college. We get along great now but back then a different story. One day at soccer practice Annie and I were scrimmaging on different teams when she purposely tried to take me out by kicking the back of my knee. The knee I had surgery on. I was livid. So I turned around to retaliate and went to smack her head, but I missed...... almost. My fingernail caught her forehead and left a three inch scratch. Amazingly she still has a faint scar. The rest of the team just stood there in wonder as all this went down. Sisters.

Good times!

Happy Birthday Sis!


Susan H said...

Happy Birthday Annie!!!!!!!!!

Tracy & Joe said...

sweet post - who would know you hate to even hug each other!! haha Happy Birthday Annie!!

With Love from New Orleans said...

So cute! You are such a good sister!