Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So about 7 months into my pregnancy I was over being able to eat anything I wanted. I was over food. I was over gaining weight for sure. If you follow my blog then you know that I stopped looking at the number on the scale at my doctors appointments because every time I saw the number I would boo hoo in the exam room. Problem was when I went into labor I had no idea how much weight I had gained total.

I had my 6 week checkup last week and since I had weighed in with them two days before I went into labor I got the total number of pounds.


Phew. Honestly it was less than I thought. But still more than the 25-35 which is the normal range to gain. I have a feeling it would of been closer to 60lbs if I had gone full term. So one small perk of Elle coming early I suppose. At the checkup I had already lost 30lbs. Yay! So let's do some math.

41 lbs of pregnancy gain
30.6 lbs lost by 6 week checkup
= 11.4 lbs of baby weight to lose to get back to pre-pregnancy weight
+15 lbs because I want to lose another 15 lbs
= 26.4 lbs to goal weight

Why am I telling you all this? No, not to embarrass myself. Because I am going to start updating my weight every Wednesday to hold myself accountable. I have already started back on the new Weight Watchers Plus program and I love it! Being able to eat fruit and not use any of your daily points really makes a difference. I thought along the way I would post recipes that were really good and that sort of thing. Plus I will share where the struggles of staying on track are to.

For instance, right now I am really struggling with weekend eating. I can count points and manage perfectly during the weekdays but on the weekends I always get off track. Kenny and I go out to eat to a restaurant that I can't look up the points for and I know it affects my weight loss.

So here we go! 26lbs! I hope I can do it!


Mrs. Lopez said...

Good luck I'm hoping to go on WW after Elizabeth is born. I was 30lbs heavier than I wanted to be when I got pregnant and now I'm up 18lbs since being pregnant!

Good luck! You can do this!

Whitney said...

I am doing points plus, too. You know dottie has an app with common eateries! Good luck! I like knowing someone is doing it with me:)