Thursday, July 3, 2008


Okay not full fledged tears but I am not kidding when I say that every time I watch the fireworks on the Fourth of July I get a little choked up.

When I was younger my family and I always went to the fireworks show. We would pack up the cooler, get there a little early, lay out a blanket and hang out until it got dark enough for the show to begin. It was always a lot of fun and very festive.

I remember one summer, we did not go to the town's firework show. My mom was in the middle of chemotherapy after her first battle with breast cancer. (Yes, she battled it twice. She is fine now! Snaps!) She did not feel up to packing the cooler, and sitting out in the heat. Later that night we heard the fireworks begin. It was a small town at the time so they were not too far away from our house. My mom and I went back to her room, turned off all the lights, and looked for the fireworks through the window. We actually could see a good bit of them rising above the trees.

It had been such a scary time of our lives and I can remember being so grateful that my mom and I were watching the Fourth of July fireworks together. It was a short moment in the grand scheme of things but one of my fondest memories. And to this day I cannot watch Fourth of July fireworks without thinking about that night, watching them rise in the sky with my mom.

Happy Fourth of July! I hope everyone has a great weekend full of friends and family, yummy food, and of course fireworks!

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